Location: Light - Alpha - Lavender Beds - Ward 10 - Plot 33

    Nestled away in the depths of the Lavender Beds. Deep below our hallway is a specially designed, luxurious and modern nightclub. With it's signature black and blue colorway aimed at setting a calming mood, before you're blown away by a multitude of genres of music, provided by some of the very best DJs that Eorzea has to offer.

    Azure Nightclub

    Azure aims to be a place where you can go to just unwind after a long week. Let loose all those cares and worries, get yourself into that mood to party late into the night.We open on Bi-weekly Fridays (every other week)
    6pm-12am ST
    Afterparty until 2/3am ST


    Whether you're looking for something exotic, or something on the more relaxing and wholesome side, we offer a variety of services to make sure your night is filled with fun, excitement, and most of all.. interaction.

    Safe for work (SFW) Services

    Companionship (Gf/BF Experience)

    100,000 Gil / 30 Minutes

    Looking for a wholesome chat or a soft hug and someone to keep you company and make you smile? Our dancers don't just do ERP y'know! Grab a drink and enjoy a nice and relaxing time with them

    Not Safe for work (NSFW) Services

    Private Dance

    170,000 Gil / 30 Minutes
    + 90,000 Gil / 30 Mins Per Extra Person

    Has one of our lovely & charming Sapphires caught your eye? Don't be shy! Crack open then shell and be confident, book a private dance in one of our rooms. Our Sapphires are just waiting to show you an all new and exotic world of wonders. This could be the start of a VERY fun night ;)Note: NO ERP INVOLVED (Light touching at the discretion of Sapphires)

    Exotic Fun (Erp)

    350,000 Gil / 30 Minutes
    200,000 Gil / Extra Person / 30 Mins

    Do our Sapphires have you brimming with lust and an urge to just let your carnal desires be known? Ask about our private rooms and book one of our Sapphires for a night filled with wild and exotic, lustful times. Let that inner beast out, it's just you & them, what happens behind closed doors, stays that way!Message your preferred Sapphire and we'll handle the rest.

    each and every single person you encounter in our venue is a real person, and has real feelings beyond what you see. Please pay attention to your tone and the way you behave, what may seem like lighthearted flirting or fun to you may come across the wrong way to somebody else.Note: Our Sapphires reserve the right to refuse a booking, or cancel one at any moment should they feel uncomfortable, in which case no refunds would be offered

    Photography Services

    SFW Photo

    1 person; 150.000 gil
    2 people; 250.000 gil
    Every additional person is 75.000 gil on top.

    NSFW Photo

    1 person; 250.000 gil
    2 people; 400.000 gil
    An additional person is 100.000 gil on top (max 3 people total)

    Photography Photobooth

    When booking our photography services, you have the option of making use of our photobooth inside of the photobooth room. This room may only be used for photography services and will not be freely open for guests to use. This is specifically for usage when photography service is booked.

    IMPORTANT: Before booking a photography session, please ensure that all parties involved are consenting.
    Our Photographers reserve the right to refuse anything they may not be comfortable with taking pictures of.
    Note: Fully custom made, on the spot poses will not be offered. This is extremely time consuming. Please have a rough idea or be able to source what you want posed.

    VIP Access

    Want to experience more of the luxurious side of life? Then this will be perfect for you. Our VIP area is tailored to suit a night of luxury and relaxing vibes.We do not care for gil, we simply want to provide a cozy space for you all to relax and have fun

    Here's a quick little list of perks for all of our vips

    - Full access to our VIP Lounge
    - Roam Freely (Topless) In the entire VIP area*
    - Up to 30 minutes early entry to get yourself settled and ready to vibe
    - A minibar to utilize. Be creative! Mix your own drinks, or serve each other!
    - A bunch of free realm reborn red (Please ask, we may forget otherwise)
    - Access to our VIP Syncshell

    * Pants must remain, as much as you may like to remove them, we can't have people roaming entirely naked

    Price: 50,000 Gil

    OR earned for free simply by being social & interactive

    How to earn VIP for free?

    Be a social and interactive patron. Be active in the ingame chat
    Challenge our security guarding VIP to a deathroll. Best of 3 wins (If you lose, you may try again after 30 minutes pass. This is completely free to try)
    You will be automatically granted VIP status for the night by booking any of our main services (ERP or Photography)
    Companionship & Private Dances do not count towards this

    Bar Menu

    Every club needs a menu, an offering of drinks to set you into that party vibe. No different here. If you need something to get you into that mood, our bartenders have the most refreshing drinks up for offer

    Start your night the right way


    Feeling extra generous and want to share the love? Buying out the bar results in free drinks for everyone

    500,000 Gil Per Hour

    "Azure Starlight"

    The Soul and Essence of the Azure Nightclub. An Azure Blue Drink served in a sparkly Glass that looks like the Night sky and brings you close to the Heart of the Party!

    5000 Gil

    "Sapphire Champagne"

    A Special Champagne with a deep Sapphire colouration, sparkling and delightful in Taste and Flavour. Perfect to celebrate a Long Night!

    5000 Gil

    "Granblue Adventure"

    A fruity Cocktail mixed with the most Exotic Juice's, fruit's and Liquor's, will bring you into the perfect Mood for a Long Night. As it is refreshing and Empowering!

    4000 Gil


    A low Alcoholic Drink for when one reaches the Limits of their Alcoholic Consumption. Peach liquor mixed with Iced Teas of any prefferation, topped with Slices of Citrus. Perfect for bringing an End to the Night~

    2000 Gil

    "Spiritual Soul"

    A Non-Alcoholic Drink that contains mostly Fruit Juice's, mixed together with crushed Ice and topped off with sweet cream. Recommended for People that are on the Lighter Site~

    3000 Gil

    Standard Alcohol

    Just your good ol' standard drinks, nothin special, nothin fancy

    1000 Gil



    D4 Roulette Drinks

    Do you like to take chances with your drinks? Does the idea of getting a different drink each time you roll sound enticing? This is just for you!
    Type /random 4 and see what you get. 3 of these are delicious.. Get unlucky and it's a baaaaad time for you!

    Everything on the D4 Roulette Menu is a fixed price of:

    5000 Gil


    Sparkling Water mixed with Vodka, Limoncello and Orange Juice will this Drink let you Appreciate the Stars of the Night~

    "Vibe Night"

    Dark Whiskey with Sake combined with a Mix of Iced Peach Tea and Sakura Liquor. This one surely helps to find the perfect vibe at night~

    "The Azurian"

    Blue Curaçao with Bailey's rounded up with some Milk and topped with Hazelnut Liquor and Cream as well. A very Caramelic and Hazelnutty Spectacle~

    "Your Worst Day! No Seriously!"

    This Drink will make you.....hate yourself! Surströmmig Water, Sausage and Cucumber Water, mixed with Chilli Sauce and topped with little Bits of the Durian Fruit. Good Luck! You'll need it!

    Note: If you land on the worst drink, you can challenge the bartender to a deathroll. Win and you can pick any of the others. However if you lose.. You're getting a double serving


    Below you'll find all of the venues & partners we proudly work with. We strive to build relationships with venues & partners with strong morals and an even stronger core.
    Note: We ARE picky about who we accept as partners. QUALITY over Quantity is our motto.
    If you're viewing this page in April 2024, we're currently not accepting any venue partners. Check back in a couple months

    Endless Nights

    Endless Nights Events is -the- place to be for all things community-related within Final Fantasy XIV. We provide a community and a hub for creative minds to share their passions and hobbies in many forms, most of which derived from or taking place within the game itself. Ranging from player-created Community Events, to content creators such as livestreamers and graphic designers, and even skilled live-mixing DJs, we aim to offer a space and a home to everything you can imagine within Final Fantasy XIV.


    Need a DJ? Just send a Message to Lumixiv in discord! All our DJ's are focused on nice Music, variation of JWJ, Erto, Crowny, Gaia, Sanmirki & ReMizum, so a lot of Genres are available!

    Booli Squad

    One of EU's best DJ Teams in FFXIV. You need a top quality DJ? Go message Syra and secure a DJ for your venue. The team consists of: Minai, Nynu, Laarie, Miyu & Kari


    Location: Raiden - Lavender Beds - Ward 10 - Plot 6Bliss is an eastern inspired nightclub with a simple goal in mind. FUN! Plain and simple in it's purest terms. A place for you and all of your friends to come by and chill, listen to music, drink all night long, perhaps indulge in your desires and spend a night with one of our Blossoms. With fun as our core value, we aim to provide the best experience possible. Located in the heart of the Lavender Beds, surrounded by lush green grass, and sights one can only dream of. Bliss started out as a simple nightclub, offering entertainment to all partygoers that stepped through the door. Now evolving to become something much, much bigger.

    Staff List

    Our incredible staff team are here to ensure that you feel like you're truly the heart of the party. If you'd like to get familiar with them, please take a look at our list, see if there's anyone you know!


    Staff List

    Our incredible staff team are here to ensure that you feel like you're truly the heart of the party. If you'd like to get familiar with them, please take a look at our list, see if there's anyone you know!


    Staff List

    Our incredible staff team are here to ensure that you feel like you're truly the heart of the party. If you'd like to get familiar with them, please take a look at our list, see if there's anyone you know!


    Staff List

    Our incredible staff team are here to ensure that you feel like you're truly the heart of the party. If you'd like to get familiar with them, please take a look at our list, see if there's anyone you know!


    Staff List

    Our incredible staff team are here to ensure that you feel like you're truly the heart of the party. If you'd like to get familiar with them, please take a look at our list, see if there's anyone you know!



    1. Please do not enter private chambers without a booking. While you may be curious, whoever may be in these rooms has a right to privacy.2. Usage of the 'Looking to Meld' and 'Looking for Party' tags are reserved for staff.
    Dancers can be identified by the Green Looking for Party tag
    All other staff can be identified by the Gold Looking for Meld tag
    3. Please treat each other with respect, it's just common courtesy to be polite. If somebody asks you to step back, or doesn't wish to talk, please respect their wishes.4. Weapons & Minions are to be left at the door (Don't worry, we'll keep your weapons safe and shiny, and your minions well looked after!)
    Weapons may be allowed in the event of Cosplay events, or anything themed where otherwise stated.
    5. While we are an 18+ Venue, we ask that you keep your clothes on. VIPs may however roam topless in the entire VIP area, provided that you put your clothes back on once you return to the dancefloor. (Yes that means the pants stay ON)
    This also applies to those of you joining our Mare Syncshell. It's great to see you all modded and stuff, but please do try to keep your outfits to a sfw standard on the dancefloor.
    We must ask that you refrain from using NSFW Animations in our Syncshell. Please understand that it's just something we must enforce.
    6. Upon entering our Club, you acknowledge and understand that any pictures taken of you by our event photographers, may be posted into the 📸│event-photos channel , and also shared on our clubs Instagram profile. There is no harm meant by this, our photographers simply wish to capture the best moments of the night.

    Private Rooms

    Looking to experience a little fun tonight? Each of these rooms have been specially crafted to suit the needs & mood to elevate your night, and your fun to the next level.

    Room 1: Tranquil Cityscape

    Room 2: Country Cottage

    Room 3: Midnight Paradise

    Room 4: Emerald Sanctuary